Welcome to Marianne Wilson Photography

My name is Marianne Wilson and I am a Southern California and Destination Wedding Photographer. I would like to welcome you to my website and blog.
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daily life, and other photo related tidbits. So take a look around and get to know me a bit.

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Photo by Tim Halberg

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

Dear Mom,

Thank you for being you. Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you for your incredible patience. Thank you for supporting me 110% no matter what I wanted to be. When I wanted to be a ballerina you took me to dance classes. When I was 15 and wanted to be an actress you let me move from my protected private school to the local Charter performing arts school. When we had to move back to Arizona from California you searched for a school that would nurture my creativity, this is where I discovered my love of photography. You let me paint my bedroom walls with stripes and murals, you knew that dying my hair pink (and green and blue and red) didn't change who I was inside.

A few years later you supported my dream as I went on to College at an Art School. You trusted that I would continue to be me in the face of all the temptation that was ahead at college.

Mom, you let me grow up and be who I am which makes me all the more great full I had you as my mother. Although I am still growing up I am, and will continue to be, your little girl.

I love you mom.

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers out there and also to you future moms!

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