Welcome to Marianne Wilson Photography

My name is Marianne Wilson and I am a Southern California and Destination Wedding Photographer. I would like to welcome you to my website and blog.
This is where I post previews of my recent shoots, fun photos from my
daily life, and other photo related tidbits. So take a look around and get to know me a bit.

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Photo by Tim Halberg

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Birthday fun and A great Christmas!

Just wanted to pop in and say I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas this year!

I was just going through some of the Christmas photos and will post a little 'Wilson Christmas Slideshow' in the next few days.

As for today, It's my birthday!!!!!! Woohoo!

I would like to thank everyone who called/texted/emailed me today. I was overloaded with facebook messages and text lovin. You are all wonderful and made a girl feel very loved on this warm December Tuesday. Also, thank you to my wonderful friend Resa who met up with me at the Sherman Oaks Galleria to grab lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, I use the term grab loosely because we were there for over 2 hours chatting! Gotta love great friends! She also had them sing Happy Birthday, on accident :)

Of course I want to thank my amazing Mother for birthing me on this day back in 1985. I am glad you made it through the Christmas pageant and had me a few days later. I couldn't ask for a smarter, more beautiful, and patient mother. You really are the best! Thanks for going through all that pain. Hope it was worth it! Also to my father who I wouldn't be here without either. Thanks pops! I love you both an unbelievably large amount ;)

Last, but certainly not least. A big thanks to my wonderful boyfriend who I will be seeing later this evening for a delicious sushi dinner in Thousand Oaks. Glad I was born and met you about 19 years later. I love you and am so blessed to have shared the last 3 birthdays with you.

I have been thinking a lot about what this next year will bring. Not only do I have the next year of my life but also a whole new year. Double the resolutions! I am working on my list for both personal and business related resolutions and will post a few as soon as I finalize my goals.

Thanks again to everyone for the birthday wishes!

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