Welcome to Marianne Wilson Photography

My name is Marianne Wilson and I am a Southern California and Destination Wedding Photographer. I would like to welcome you to my website and blog.
This is where I post previews of my recent shoots, fun photos from my
daily life, and other photo related tidbits. So take a look around and get to know me a bit.

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Photo by Tim Halberg

Monday, May 26, 2008

Wedding Teaser

As some of you Californians might know we had ourselves a few showers the past couple of days. For the wonderful photographers of the area it gave us yet another challenge to overcome.

Thankfully as I drove to Tivisay and Martin's wedding yesterday the clouds hovered over us but did not spare one drop.

Here is a little peak from their gorgeous wedding.

Look out this week for more from their special day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi marianne, i'm pretty sure you just left a comment on my blog asking about my rotating header right? when i clicked on your name it didn't link back to your blog...just fyi. anyways, i had a custom design done and all she used was an html code. i don't know that much about html but if you email me (kelli@kellijanephoto.com) I can email you what i think it is. thanks for stopping by m blog:)